Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Start

Red Rouge (RR) : I raise my hand in protest! Sankanaku!
Pan (P) : Pray what are we protesting against? Is the lost innocence of children? The fallacies of the Kings? The rude eyes that watch our every move? Or have you just been given a really bad grade?
RR: All of these, Sir, I protest against all the villainies of nature!
P: Nature is so much kinder than Man. But can we please take them one at a time?
RR: Of course. You see, there's so much that I love here.
P: Eh? What's that got to do with the protest?
RR: In removing evil, I don't want to harm the good. They must be safeguarded.
P: The good are on our side. And they are as well protected as a rebel can be. Onwards, I say!
RR: As soon as you get your hooves off my cape...

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