Sunday, July 12, 2009

Afternoon Conversation

Red Rouge (RR) : Nice tune, buddy. Seems all happy and mellow.
Pan (P): Ah! Music! Ah, Life! It's all so beautiful.
RR : Okkkk.... What's wrong?
P: Wrong? Nothing's wrong. I just said life is beautiful.
RR: I know. It's not like you to say that. Usually you're blasting something or the other.
P: I'm in love with the most beautiful being...
RR: What??? Who's she???
P: I don't know, I just saw her.
RR: You never believed in love at first sight. You said it was more likely to happen in the 698th sight.
P: I was a fool till yesterday... and then... I saw her.
RR: Did you talk to her?
P: Briefly. She's agreed to meet me tomorrow.
RR : In the first try? Damn, you're good. Hope that this maiden turn out ok.
P: Ok? It would turn out brilliant.
RR: Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. All the best.


wannabuildabot said...

Pan swept off his feet! I'm impressed! [:D]

Pixie said...

just wait and watch, kiddo :)


@Rohit: dude, this pixie has stuff in store for you .... BTW How's life ?
@Sue: yer evil ... u knw dat ... :P

Pixie said...

yea... yea...I know :-D

Unknown said...

I know these characters dont I?

Pixie said...

yesssss... you do.


@rajat, sue: erm ... Don't we all? This is actually pretty fun ... :P