Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lunatic's Shadow

Shadow (S): Move a little, please. I'm tired of staying in the same spot so long.

Lunatic(L): I'm glad that you're tied to me, or you wouldnt have stayed still for a minute.

S: And why should I? Light has the freedom to flicker and sway, but darkness needs to stay put?

L: I promise if I can, at any point of time, set you free, I will.

S: And I still wouldn't leave, you fool. I just like to complain - I actually like things the way they are.

L: I'm still because I wanted to watch the Butterfly.

S: Uff! You do that every day. Don't you know that's the reason why you're called the Lunatic?? Nobody thinks she's worth caring for. There are thousands like her, and they live peacefully, without the need for people like you watching her.

L: I know she doesn't need a spectator. I know she's not particularly beautiful. But I can't keep my eyes of the way she moves, so erratically, flower to flower. There must be a pattern- there are patterns everywhere, you see? I'm interested in finding out a pattern to that chaos.That's the only interesting thing.

S: Hmmm. Maybe it isn't something that can be solved.

L: Everything can be solved.

S:What if you DO solve it? What would you do to while away your hours then?

L: Another day, another problem, my friend. That's one thing there's always plenty of.

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