Sunday, April 12, 2009

Midnight Conversation

Shadow (S): Are you feeling better now?
Butterfly (B) : Good as new. Are you supposed to be able to talk while he's sleeping away? It feels a little weird.
S: Weirdness of life, m'dear, is like entropy of the Universe : It can only increase. At any rate I never cared to find out what I'm supposed to do.
B: It was good of you to look after me, even when the Lunatic didn't want you to. But don't go about spoiling me.
S: No trouble. You're easy to look after. And of course he wanted me to- do you really believe that he doesn't want to solve you up like most his problems?
B: He just said that he's given up on me.
S: That's what he always says.I can feel the gears in his head turning, even as he sleeps. Fool- his 'problems' are never his problems. His real problem is that he can not separate the significant from the insignificant- if the puzzle is interesting enough, it gets all his time, even if it's of no use to him.
B: True. I couldn't be of any use to him, possibly. Let's see so far what he's solved up.
S: Oh, I'll show you. This - dancing pattern of bees. Too easy. Solved in two days. This- cipher patterns for messaging text. Two days again. Patterns in chimney smoke as it gets turbulent. A week. Patterns of Rose-flower buds. A month. And so many more. Tires me out to look at it.
B: He's a genius! Look at it!
S: Most others still prefer calling him the Lunatic.

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