Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pixie's Apology

Dear People,
My first two stories worked out pretty well ( I'm pretty proud of them). I'm leaving my current story here, simply because it's too close to life, too personal, too painful. Almost all characters in this story had been modeled on my BITSian friends, friends I would soon say goodbye to, and I just can't write like this anymore. Maybe 'Ending' is the wrong word- I'll revisit the characters and the setting again. But till then, I'd rather have my friends read my characters and wonder, "Was she thinking of me when she made up this one?", and find themselves in the caharcters I had not modeled on anyone in particular at all. Restricting one person in my life to just one character and vice versa just does not feel fair. And to all my friends who became my characters, thank you for reading this humblest, meanest representation of yourself - you're so much more, and I feel so much for all of you that I may never be able to find all the words for it. Stay with me. I'll return with more characters, better stories, and hopefully, stories that are easy enough to let go of and end. Thank you all...


Unknown said...

Eulogy for a phase that comes to an end. I still wait for the day, The Wounded Dragon makes his first appearance...They were honored.I don't make much sense, and I know that you know Why. Period.

Unknown said...

Will wait for the revisits!

Pixie said...

@ Obscure : He might make an entry sooner than you'd imagine. You don't really have to make sense with me.

@ Rajat : If I 'm ever able to model a character as complex as you are, I'll let you know.

Internet Person said...

It's not my turn just yet, and you are already making me feel depressed :(.. On a brighter note, hope Oasis was great! :)

Pixie said...

@ Lone : Yep, Oasis was awesome. Don't be depressed. I'm not. Psenti, yes. I'll miss all this a good deal, but then I'm not gonna let of my friends ( neither are you). Hope you use your time left here well. Will try to come back during apogee :)