Friday, October 9, 2009

A Common Lament

Stormy Sky, Stormy I-
Time be my enemy, time's timing is off-
I fight it all the time, it has the last laugh.

Sad Sky, Sad Goodbye-
Time made me leave behind the ones I wanted time with,
Too much time to spend with my forced upon kin and kith.

White Sky, White Lie-
Time makes work and pleasure, all arrive in bunches-
Teach me how to attend simultaneously; two tests or two lunches?

Rainy Sky, Rainy Eye-
Reasonless blue moods and nothing to confide-
This time time's just not on my side.


wannabuildabot said...

A slight deviation from the story. But very true...

I have quite a few complaints with time myself! I need a clone.

Unknown said...

Overcoming the nostalgia of the life that you left and already nostalgic about the life you'll soon be leaving ?
"I am but a small voice
I am but a small dream
To smile upon the sun
Be free to dance and sing
Be free to sing my song to ev'ryone"