Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Flight

Shadow (S): You're leaving.
Butterfly (B): Yes, I am.
S: Why?
B: I prefer not to answer that. You see, I need to keep myself unpredictable.
S: You just said that the Lunatic was a genius.
B: And so he is. I am not safe here, under prying eyes that seek to unravel my mysteries, for mysteries and dreams are all that I have.
S: Stay. He may have the key to fulfill your dreams.
B: And fulfilled dreams are worthless to me. Till I have dreams to work on, I have my flight- the day I run out of them, my wings will fail to bear my weight.
S: You don't see it as I do.
B: I do. I'm sorry. I'll send a word now and then.
Lunatic (L): That would still give me clues, m'dear, and in the end I'll know the next place you plan on visiting.
B: I'll take my chances. But I don't like that smug smile on your face. You've already solved it, haven't you?
L: I have.
B: Then it’s up to me to disprove you. I'm off, and I promise my next destination would not be the one you thought of.
L: I like a good challenge.
(She flies away).
S: Thank you! Now we'll never see her again. The only one who actually believed you weren't crazy.
L: Oh we will.
S: What do you mean?
L: Don't you see? In order to disprove me, she'll come right back here.
B: There! I'm here. You didn't predict me coming back, eh?
S: Actually...he just did.
B: I hate you!
S: Which one of us?