Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Midnight Conversations - part one

The Nocturnal Queen (NQ): What's the matter, dear child, its been sometime since I heard your sweet voice. You've been wandering aimlessly too long.
The Nightingale (NG): I'm in search of a new world, your majesty.
NQ: Your Majesty! Only a godmother to you, sweetheart. Do you wish for Utopia? All joy and no sorrow.... where all people are good and none evil?
NG: No, mama, I embrace the grey shades in everyone. I endorse black.... I am happier by the night- but no, no, I don't want people who are always happy... they wouldn't care so much for happiness then. I want people who accept the grey: in themselves and in everyone else. I come from a world where great people fail to acknowledge that they are great, for the pretense of humility, they don't believe in the good in them, they don't forgive the bad in themselves. And people so ill adjusted with themselves are even more uncomfortable with others. In short, I am tired of believing in people who fail to have faith in themselves.
NQ: Ah. But they do believe in you.
NG: I don't know. They believe in the oddest things- in stone idols and quarks, in drowning their sorrows in tobacco smoke, in the beauty of diamonds and in the big bang. It's odd that they belive in such unlikely things, but not in themselves.
NQ: Then be their belief, my child. In hearing your tunes they start listening to their own heart.
NG: I don't know if I can do that anymore, mama. Do you know someone who might need a song at this hour?
NQ: Oh, too many of them, my child, too many of them. But I shall guide you another favourite child of mine : he's called the prisoner.
NG: Oh, I've heard of him. As I travelled by the sea, the waves carried a maiden's notes, calling out to him. I could tell him that there's someone still who believes in him- but would he understand my language?
NQ: Everyone understands your language, dear. Go on, reach him. It's about the time the Sun showed up, I must get some rest now.
NG: Thanks, ma. Wish me luck. I have a brother to cheer up.
NQ: You'll do well. I believe in you, too.


Unknown said...

This is getting pretty interesting!

Safa said...

Although I love your dialogues....I think you would do well to use a bit of playing with make it easier to follow....

Try double spacing.....and then the names, like (NQ) write them in needs to be livened up in a way that makes the reading more enjoyable......

Pixie said...

thanks for the feedback, will try these out.